Amazing Online Photography Magazines - #1

All photography enthusiasts always keep looking for various online tutorials for perfecting their photography.
They come across many websites, blogs (like mine :) ) ezines, e-books etc. I was also searching for such kind of stuff and I came across the online photography magazines, which I will be sharing with all of you here.
So, Lets get started.
1. The 37th Frame : Trying to share the best photojournalism on the internet.

2. The Big Picture :  News stories in Photographs

3. Flak Photo : Flak Photo is a daily photography website that celebrates the art and culture of photography online.

4. The Blueeyes Magazine : An online photography magazine dedicated to publishing long term documentry work.

5. F-stop Magazine : Shows contemporary photography from Photography Gurus and Newbies.

There are much more such magazines and I will be covering them Post-By-Post.
So, keep peeping here and be updated.
Till then Happy Photography "
